Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Moving Image Project - Figure COMPLETE!

So the film was finished two weeks ago but due to the holidays it's taken me till now to upload it. There are 4 current copies floating about; There's a longer version after the first edit, without a musical backing track, there's a shorter version, also without a backing track. There is also a shortened complete copy with a backing track, which I edited, and another version with a recognised artist as a backing track that we are told we can use, just it would be void from entering any film short film competitions due to rights.

This is my final edit of the film, should it ever want to be submitted into a short film festival it now can due to the use of loyalty free music, kindly found by Tom Hopcraft. I think the music fits quite well. The music is somewhat open to interpretation, in the sense that during the more happy contrasted scenes it could be portrayed as quite a happy tune, but during the more gruesome contrasted scenes it definitely has a darker twinge to it.
(I'll upload the films to this post shortly - When they're done)

I enjoyed this project, there were times where certain people let their roles go to their head (I didn't really have this issue being just a humble lighting organiser - clearly no bitterness here), but other than that it was a good laugh and turned out well in the end. Now I just need to find the will power to finish the interactive media project.