Thursday, 14 October 2010

Of Bots and Bananas

So, I've slowed on posting recently. This hasn't been because I find the whole thing tedious! Purely because Virgin Media don't deem the Internet as a necessity for University students.

Anyway, this years exciting new project in short) is to design a robot and have him trip in a comedy fashion. To aid with what is, and isn't funny we've been looking at slapstick comedy through out the ages. Charlie Chaplin and Tom & Jerry are both fine examples of this.

I've broken down into bullet points, what I believe makes a good slapstick animation:

* Exaggerated, over the top violence - The more, the better - without the use of blood/gore
* Believable - The audience should believe that what they are seeing is possible, no matter how remote the possibilities of it actually happening.
* Correctly timed sound effects - Little things like 'slipping' noises and over the top bangs can make the difference.

**More to come**

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