Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The Art of Seeing

I both enjoyed and hating this assignment. Initially I hated it as I thought time spent taking pictures was time not spent modeling and producing stuff for my showreel and end of year project. HOWEVER! Once I started it, I did actually enjoy it, and if it wasn't for the fact my camera only allowed me to take 280 photos before insisting it was full, I'd of probably continued taking more. Probably worth mentioning the reason there aren't 280 photos on the flickr account is because my housemate was doing the same assignment so we went out together and halved the images for our accounts. Otherwise it may have looked like one just took the images from the other.

After about 2 hours of taking photos it was hard to stop, and everywhere we went we were just looking for more interesting things and textures to capture. At this point the camera ran out and we began deleting less exciting photos for new ones.

Anyway, here's the link to my flickr page. I've separated the images into 'Sets' so they're easier to browse. and have now added all today's images to my computers texture library. In the end, it wasn't such a bad assignment!


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